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Terms & Conditions



Table of contents:


The Emra Wood Design online shop makes an effort to ensure that the rights of our customers - in particular consumers - are properly secured. For this purpose, all solutions operating in our shop are based on the applicable legal provisions, including the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014 (Polish Journal of Laws 2019.134). The consumer may not resign from the rights with which the aforementioned Act entitles him or her, and any contractual provisions less favourable to the consumer than the provisions of the Act are null and void, and the provisions of the Act shall apply instead.

These Terms and Conditions are therefore not intended to exclude or limit the rights available to consumers under generally applicable law. On the contrary, any possible doubts relating to the content of these Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in favour of the consumer, and in the event of any inconsistency between its provisions and the provisions of the law, these provisions shall prevail and shall be directly applicable.


1. Seller, Data Administrator - Patrycja Żmuda, conducting business activity under the name EMRA WOOD Patrycja Żmuda with registered office in Dębica, 16A Cicha Street, 39-200 Dębica, NIP: 8722297309, REGON: 368718560, phone no.: 733 611 014, e-mail address: emrawood@emrawood.com.
2) Store, Online Store - the website belonging to the Seller, available at the domain www.emrawood.com, through which the Buyer may place Orders.
3. Buyer, Customer - any entity placing an order at the Shop (Consumer or a person without the status of Consumer).
4. Consumer - a Buyer who is a natural person, performing a legal action (sales contract through the Shop), not directly related to its business or professional activity (Article 221 of the Civil Code). A natural person who enters into a contract directly related to their business is also considered a Consumer, if the content of the contract indicates that it is of a professional nature for that person, resulting in particular from the subject matter of the business activity provided in the Central Register of Business Activity and Information.
5) Entrepreneur - Customer (Buyer) who is an entrepreneur within the meaning of Article 431 of the Civil Code, subject to the wording of paragraph 4 above.
6. Regulations - these Regulations.
7. Goods - movable item available for sale in the Store.
8. Consumer Rights Act - the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014 (Journal of Laws 2019.134 as amended).
9. Order - a declaration of will of the Buyer, aiming directly at the conclusion of a contract of sale of Goods remotely through the Store, specifying at least the type and number of Goods.


1. Placement on the website of the Online Store of the specified Good, together with the indication of its price, does not constitute an offer to sell it, but only an invitation to the Buyers to submit offers.
2. The order is placed by the Buyer in electronic form and is an offer to conclude a contract of sale of the Goods placed on the website of the Internet Shop for the price specified therein. To place an order it is necessary to click the button marked "Order and pay".
3. Immediately after placing the Order, the Customer receives confirmation of acceptance of the Order in a confirmation e-mail (in accordance with Article 661 §1 of the Civil Code). Confirmation of acceptance of the Order does not automatically constitute acceptance of the Order by the Seller.
4. The Seller shall immediately, but not later than within 5 (five) working days after receiving the Order, verify the possibility of processing the Order, in particular the availability of the Goods - and notify the Buyer whether he accepts the Order. In the case of acceptance of the Order - the contract of sale of the Goods is concluded between the Seller and the Buyer.
5. In case when it turns out that the term specified in passage 4 is insufficient, the Seller may request the Buyer to extend it.
6. Technical operations related to placing an order, including the selection of goods, placing them in the shopping cart, indicating the method of payment, correcting errors in the order, etc., are specified on the website emrawood.com and on the relevant subpages.


1. The Buyer is entitled to make changes to the Order until the purchase is approved by pressing the "Order and pay" button.
2. The lead time of the Order is the sum of the time of transfer of the shipment by the Seller to the supplier, as well as the time of delivery of the shipment by the supplier to the Customer. This time is specified in the description of the individual Goods and should not exceed the sum of 40 working days and the delivery time, which is - depending on the choice of its form (48 hours in the case of a courier company, 72 hours for pallet shipments sent by shipping company).
3. In exceptional cases, impossible to predict at the time of concluding the contract - the term of the Order as specified in sec. 2 above may be extended to another 40 days, of which the Buyer shall be immediately notified. In such a case the Buyer may, in particular, cancel the Order (withdraw from the concluded agreement), on the principles specified in sec. IV of the Regulations.
4. An order for Goods with different lead times shall be sent after the Goods have been completed as a whole. The lead time of such an order shall be equal to the lead time relating to the Goods available at the latest date (according to the value displayed next to the description of the Goods).

1. In accordance to the Consumer Rights Act, a Buyer who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur to whom the provisions of this Act apply has the right to withdraw from a sales contract without stating reasons within 14 calendar days from the date of delivery of the Goods. In order to meet the deadline, it is sufficient to send the declaration before the expiry of the deadline.
2. In accordance to the Consumer Rights Act, a Customer who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur to whom the provisions of this Act apply has the right to withdraw from a contract for the provision of services by electronic means without stating reasons, within 14 calendar days of the conclusion of this contract. In order to meet the deadline, it is sufficient to send the declaration before the expiry of the deadline.
3. Withdrawal is made by submitting a declaration of withdrawal, in particular using the form available in Online Shop, by e-mail to the address:  emrawood@emrawood.com or in writing, to the address: EMRA WOOD Patrycja Żmuda, ul. Cicha 16A, 39-200 Dębica.
4. The declaration of withdrawal should - to simplify the procedure - in particular contain the number of the order, the date of its placement, the date of receipt of the goods, indication of the form of reimbursement of the payment made.
5. A sample form of withdrawal from the contract is contained in Appendix No. 2 to the Act on Consumer Rights. The specimen used by the Shop can be found below. The consumer may use the model form, but it is not obligatory.
Addressee: EMRA WOOD Patrycja Żmuda with registered office in Dębica, ul. Cicha 16A, 39-200 Dębica

I/We(*) hereby inform(*) about my/our withdrawal from the contract of sale of the following items(*)

Date of concluding of the contract(*)/collection(*)

Order number

Form of reimbursement
Full name of customer(s)

Address of customer(s)

Signature of customer(s) (only if the form is sent on paper)


(*) erase if not applicable

6. The Seller shall immediately send to the Consumer an acknowledgement of receipt of the declaration of will to withdraw from the sales contract, to the e-mail address indicated by the Consumer.
7. The Consumer shall have the right to withdraw from the contract without incurring costs, with the exception of:
- additional costs incurred by the Consumer in connection with the choice of a method of delivery of the Goods other than the cheapest, ordinary method of delivery offered by the Seller, and
- direct costs of returning the Goods (costs of shipping the Goods by the Consumer to the Seller),
- costs of returning the Goods if, due to their nature, the Goods cannot be returned by ordinary mail.
8. The right to withdraw from a remote sales contract referred to in paragraph (1) shall not be granted to the Consumer in cases specified in Article 38 of the Consumer Rights Act. This applies in particular to agreements:
- for the provision of services, where the entrepreneur has performed the service in full with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed before the provision of the service by the entrepreneur that after the provision of the service by the entrepreneur will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;
- where the object of the service is a non-refabricated item made to the consumer's specifications or intended to meet his individual needs;
- where the object of the service is an item which is liable to deteriorate or has a short expiry date;
- where the object of the service is an item supplied in sealed packaging which cannot be returned after opening for health or hygiene reasons, if the packaging has been opened after delivery;
- where the object of the supply is an item which, by its nature, is inseparable from other items after delivery;
- in which the consumer has expressly requested the trader to come to him for the purpose of carrying out urgent repairs or maintenance; where the trader provides services in addition to those requested by the consumer or supplies goods other than replacement parts necessarily used in carrying out the repairs or maintenance, the consumer has a right of withdrawal in respect of the additional services or goods;
9. If the Consumer uses the right of withdrawal, the Consumer is obliged to return the Goods to the Seller immediately, i.e. no later than within 14 (fourteen) days to the address of the Shop. The Consumer may also return the Goods by handing them over to a person authorised by the Seller for collection, while observing the aforementioned deadlines. To meet the deadline it is sufficient to send the item back before its expiry.
10. The Consumer shall pay the direct costs of returning the goods (shipping costs), bearing in mind the need to choose such a way of return that the Goods reached the Seller in an undamaged condition.
11. The Consumer shall be liable for any diminution in the value of the goods resulting from their use beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
12. The Seller shall, not later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's statement of withdrawal from the contract, refund to the Consumer all payments made by the Consumer, including the costs of delivery of the thing in the amount of the lowest possible delivery method that was available for the product or products purchased by the Consumer, subject to the other provisions of this paragraph. The Seller shall reimburse the payment using the same method of payment used by the Consumer unless the Consumer indicates a different method of reimbursement in the statement of withdrawal.
13. If the Seller has not offered to collect the item from the Consumer himself, he may withhold the reimbursement of the payment received from the Consumer until he has received the item back or the Consumer has provided evidence of its return, whichever occurs first.
14. The Seller shall not accept parcels sent back cash on delivery.

1.The buyer may choose the following forms of payment:
- cash on delivery
- payment on delivery in person
- payment in advance by transfer to the account of the Store
- online payment via PayPal
2. The availability of the various methods of payment, especially cash on delivery, may depend on the chosen method of delivery of the Goods.
3. Detailed information on the availability of various methods of payment, as well as the fees associated with them, is contained on the relevant subpage of the Store ("Payments"), as well as displayed by the Store during the procedure for submitting an Order (see paragraph II above).
4. In the case of payment "in advance", payment should be made before delivery of the Goods, and in the case of payment "cash on delivery" or "personal collection" - at the time of delivery of the Goods / personal collection of the Goods.


1. The ordered goods are delivered to the Buyer in the method chosen by the Buyer, specified in the procedure for placing the Order. The Seller makes the following delivery methods available within the Shop:
a) courier delivery,
b) pallet courier delivery,
b) personal collection at the Seller's headquarters.
2.The Buyer should, as far as possible, pay due attention to the condition of the parcel upon receipt, in particular whether the parcel has not been damaged or destroyed.
3. If the parcel is damaged or destroyed during transport, a damage report should be drawn up in the courier's presence, including the date and time of delivery, names and surnames of persons checking the contents of the parcel, its contents and the condition in which it arrived. If possible, the damage should be documented by taking a photograph of the damage and attaching it to the report. This protocol should be sent, without undue delay, to the Seller.
4. Carrying out the steps referred to in par. 2 and 3 above does not condition the Seller's liability for defects of the Goods, but may fasten the implementation of the complaint procedure.
5. Availability of particular delivery methods may depend on the Goods to which the Order refers.
6. Detailed information on the availability of various methods of delivery, as well as fees associated with them, is contained on the relevant subpage of the Store, as well as displayed by the Store during the Order placement procedure (see point II above).
7. The address to which the Goods are to be sent should be located in the territory of Poland. The Seller does not deliver outside this area.
8. Personal collection of the Goods by the Buyer is free of charge.
9. The Buyer shall be informed by the Seller about the availability of the Goods for personal collection by sending an appropriate e-mail message to the e-mail address of the Buyer specified in the course of order placement. 


1. During the processing of the order, the Buyer receives e-mails with information on changes in the status of the order.
2. The Buyer shall receive the sales document in electronic form and it shall be made available to the Buyer for printing at the link shown in the e-mail sent to the Buyer within 14 days of the Goods being delivered. Upon request, the sales document will be sent to the Buyer in hard copy by post; for this purpose, please contact the hotline.

1. The Seller is obliged to deliver the goods in a defect-free condition. If a defect of the goods sold is found, the Seller shall bear the liability specified in particular in the provisions of Article 556 and 556(1)-556(3) of the Civil Code.

2. Before sending the goods, the Buyer should contact the Seller in order to determine the date of calling the courier to collect the shipment.
3. Complained goods are collected from the Customer through a courier cooperating with the Seller and at the expense of the Seller.
4. The Seller does not accept parcels sent back cash on delivery.
5.The submitted complaint should include a photocopy of proof of purchase. This is not a condition for processing of the complaint, but it may facilitate the entire procedure.
6. Complained goods should be sent in packaging that allows safe transportation. It is permissible to use alternative packaging, but it must ensure adequate protection of the goods during transport to prevent damage.
7. The Goods under complaint should have full, original equipment.
8. The Goods complained about should be provided by a description of the damage along with the situation when (in which situation) a given defect occurs; such description should be as detailed as possible.
9. If the Buyer who is not a Consumer does not expressly stipulate in writing that he uses the rights under warranty, the Buyer uses the rights under the guarantee granted by the manufacturer or distributor (if such a guarantee was granted).
10.The Seller shall inform the Buyer about accepting or rejecting the complaint immediately, no later than within 14 days from the receipt of the complaint.
12. Compliance with the requirements contained in Section VI, paragraphs 2 and 3 and VIII, paragraphs 2-10 above is not a condition for the consideration of the complaint, but will allow for more efficient processing.
13. In relation to Entrepreneurs, liability under the warranty for defects specified in Articles 556 - 576 of the Civil Code is excluded.  


1. The provision of personal data is entirely voluntary but necessary for the placement and execution of the Order.
2. The Buyer has the right to request access to his personal data, rectification, deletion or restriction of processing, the right to object to processing, and the right to data portability. He also has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
3. The Buyer's data will be processed for the period related to the execution and processing of the Order, fulfilment of tax obligations, as well as until the statute of limitations or expiry of claims.
4. The recipients of the Buyer's data may be entities executing the Order on behalf of the Seller and dealing with its processing: shipping companies, accounting companies, suppliers of goods, suppliers of IT solutions, payment processing companies, debt collection companies, companies providing marketing services, storage service providers, telecommunication service providers, document disposal companies, authorised state authorities.
5. Detailed information on personal data and privacy protection is contained in the "Privacy Policy" on the Shop's website.
6. The Administrator may process the Buyer's personal data in order to:
- Performing activities for which the Buyer has given his/her consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR). Consent may be withdrawn at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing performed on the basis of consent before its withdrawal. In particular, consent is the basis for data processing by the Administrator through the Shop.
- To perform concluded contracts or to take action to conclude a contract at the request of Customers (based on Article 6(1)(b) GDPR). This is especially the case when making a purchase or using other services offered through the Shop. In that case, the Customers' data will be processed until the order or service has been fulfilled and until the statute of limitations or expiry of the claims.
- To fulfil the Seller's legal obligations, in particular to keep proper accounting records (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR). This applies in particular to persons with whom the Administrator has carried out activities resulting in tax liability, i.e. Buyers.
- To promote the Administrator's own goods or services, to conduct correspondence, as well as to create compilations, analyses and statistics and to assert claims. The basis for processing in this case is the legitimate interest of the Seller (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).


1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Section X, the following definitions are adopted:
(a) Services provided electronically - services provided without the simultaneous presence of the parties (at a distance), through the transmission of data at the individual request of the User. In the context of the Shop, electronically supplied Services are the provision of:
- the content of the website located at emrawood.com
- the "Customer Account" service
- service "Form - Job Apply"
- Form - Product enquiry" service
- services "Form - Refer a friend"
- Order form “services”
- services "Purchase by 1 click"
- Clipboard" services
- "Newsletter" service
b) Service provider - Seller.
c) User - a natural person, a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality, who uses services provided electronically by the Service Provider as part of the Internet Shop.

2.  Services provided by electronic means

A. Customer account
On the pages of emrawood.com the User has the possibility to register a Customer Account. The registration of an account is not necessary in order to make purchases, but enables the User to use additional functionality to facilitate purchases. The customer account functionality consists of:
- access to the customer panel;
- access to the User's order history;
- possibility of adding / changing your address data;
- possibility of adding favourite goods to the clipboard and then saving the list;
- possibility of changing the account settings.
In order to register a Customer Account, the User is required to provide an active e-mail address, first name, surname, residential address and telephone number.
The user can delete the customer account at any time. In order to delete the customer account, a message must be sent from the e-mail address assigned to it to the electronic address with a request to delete the account. Upon receipt of an email requesting deletion of a customer account, the customer account will be deleted immediately, but not before active orders placed by the User in the Online Shop have been processed.

B. Form - Job Apply
The Job Apply form enables people interested in working with the Service Provider to contact the Service Provider.
The form is available on the subpage "Job Apply". In order to use the form, it is necessary to provide your name, e-mail address and telephone number. In the body of the form, it is necessary to enter an enquiry regarding a possible collaboration.

C. Form - Product enquiry
The Product enquiry form enables you to contact the Service Provider in order to obtain information on a specific product.
The form is available by selecting the "Product Inquiry" option on the sub-page of the specific product in which the User is interested.
In order to use the form, it is necessary to provide the User's first and last name, e-mail address and telephone number. In the content of the form, it is necessary to enter your product enquiry.
D. Refer a friend form
The form - Recommend to a friend allows to send to a third party a link to a specific product together with a comment from the User.
The form is available by selecting the option "Recommend to a friend" on the sub-page of the specific product the User wishes to recommend.
In order to use the form, it is necessary to provide the name of the recommender and the e-mail addresses of the recommender and the friend. In addition, the User may annotate the recommendation with a comment.

E. Order form
The order form is available on emrawood.com and its use begins when the User adds the first Goods to the electronic shopping cart in the Online Shop. The order is placed after the User performs a total of two consecutive actions: filling in the Order Form and confirming its content by clicking the "Order and pay" field (until this point, it is possible to modify the data yourself).
The order form requires the User to provide the following data: first name, surname (company), address (street and number of the house/apartment, city, postal code), e-mail address and telephone number.  If the User wishes to obtain a VAT invoice for purchases made, it is also necessary to provide a VAT number (if the User has one). 

F. 1 Click Purchase service
The "Purchase by 1 click" service is available on the subpages of the individual products after selecting the "Purchase by 1 click" option. This service makes it possible to place a preliminary order, which will be answered by the Service Provider by e-mail or telephone in order to determine the details of the Order processing. The order is placed after the User performs a total of three consecutive actions: completing the "Purchase by 1 click" form, confirming its content by clicking on the "I place an order for this product" field and agreeing with the Service Provider all the details of the Order by phone or e-mail (until this point, it is possible to modify the data oneself).
In the form within the "Purchase by 1 click" service, it is necessary for the User to provide the following data: first and last name, e-mail address and telephone number.

G. Clipboard
The "Clipboard" service allows you to add to your favorites list the products available in the Online Shop. Adding to the Clipboard is done by clicking on the "add to favorites" option on the sub-page of a specific product.
The list in the Clipboard is available respectively for the duration of a single session (if no Customer Account has been created) or until the products are removed from the list or the Customer Account is cancelled (if a Customer Account has been created).

H. Hosting of the website
The Service Provider provides electronic services consisting of enabling the display of the content of the emrawood.com website and all sub-pages within this web address.

I. Newsletter
Newsletter is an electronic service provided by the Service Provider via e-mail, which enables all Users using it to automatically receive cyclic content of successive editions of the Newsletter containing information about Goods, news and promotions in the Online Store.
The Newsletter may be subscribed to by ticking the appropriate checkbox in the Order Form or during Customer Account registration. Subscription takes place at the moment the order is confirmed via the Order Form or Customer Account registration.
Subscription is also possible on the emrawood.com homepage after entering your e-mail address and selecting the "Subscribe" option.

3. Terms and conditions for the conclusion and termination of contracts for services provided by electronic means

1) Sharing the website - the contract is concluded when the content of the website is displayed and terminated when the User stops displaying it.
2) Form - Job Apply - the contract is concluded when the form fields are filled in and submitted. Submitting the form requires acceptance of these terms and conditions. The contract expires when the feedback contact is completed by an employee of the Service Provider.
3) Form - Product enquiry - a contract is concluded when the form fields are filled in and submitted. Submitting the form requires acceptance of these terms and conditions. The contract expires when the feedback contact is completed by an employee of the Service Provider.
4) Form - Recommend to a friend - the contract is concluded at the moment of filling in the fields of the form and its submission. Sending the form requires acceptance of these terms and conditions. The contract expires when the link to the product is sent to the User's friend.
5) Order Form - the contract is concluded when the User adds the first Goods to the electronic shopping cart in the Online Shop. Placing an order using the Order Form requires acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. The service of the electronic Order Form is of a one-time nature - the contract expires at the moment of placing an order through it or at the moment of earlier termination of placing an order through it by the User.
6) the "Purchase by 1 click" service - the contract is concluded at the moment of filling in the fields of the form and its submission. Placing an order using the "1-click purchase" service requires acceptance of these terms and conditions. The "1-click purchase" service is a one-time service - the contract expires at the moment of placing an order via this service or at the moment of earlier termination of placing an order via this service by the User.
7) Customer Account - the contract is concluded upon the creation of a Customer Account. The creation of a customer account requires the acceptance of these terms and conditions. The contract terminates when the Customer Account is deleted due to the User's request.
8) Clipboard - the contract is concluded when a product is added to the liked list. The agreement terminates at the end of the session (if no customer Account is set up) or at the deletion of the customer Account (if a customer Account is set up) or in any case at the removal of all items from the liked list.
9) Newsletter - the contract shall be concluded upon subscribing to the Newsletter, i.e. upon ticking the relevant checkbox and confirming the subscription either by clicking on the "Subscribe" button, or by clicking on the "Order and pay" button, or by creating a Customer Account.  The Newsletter service is provided for an indefinite period of time. The User may unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time by sending an appropriate request to the Service Provider, in particular by email or in writing.

4. Modification of the part of the regulations concerning the provision of services by electronic means.
1) The online shop may change these regulations for important reasons. Important reasons are understood to be circumstances resulting from changes in:
- functionality of the Internet shop,
- valid legal regulations,
- profile of Service Provider's business,
- services provided,
2) change of Terms and Conditions takes place by means of termination of its previous terms and conditions by means of an e-mail message addressed to the registered Users at the address indicated during registration of the Client's Account or by displaying information in the form of a pop-up window. Together with the notice of termination, the Online Shop shall send or make available the new content of the Terms and Conditions. The notice period is 14 days.

5.Specific risks associated with the use of electronically provided services

In fulfilment of the obligation provided for in Article 6.1 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws No. 144, 1204, as amended), the Service Provider hereby informs of the specific risks related to the use of services provided by electronic means by the Users, noting, however, that this information concerns risks which may occur only potentially, but which, despite the Service Provider's use of measures to adequately protect its infrastructure, should be taken into account.
The main threats related to the use of the Internet include, among others:
- malicious software (Malware) - various types of applications or scripts that have a harmful, criminal or malicious effect on the network user's ICT system, such as viruses, worms, trojans;
- Spyware - software that tracks a user's activities and collects information about the user and sends it - usually without the user's knowledge or consent - to the program's author;
- Spam - unsolicited e-mails sent simultaneously to multiple recipients, often with advertising content;
- Phishing for personal confidential information (e.g. passwords) by impersonating a trustworthy person or institution;
- hacking - hacking into a user's ICT system using hacking tools;
- cryptanalysis - the ability to find weaknesses in a cryptographic system in order to allow it to be broken or bypassed.
In order to avoid the above-mentioned threats, the user should equip his/her computer and other electronic devices that he/she uses to connect to the Internet with an anti-virus programme and a firewall. Such programmes should be kept up-to-date at all times.

6. Functions or purposes of software or data not being a component of the content of the Service, introduced by the Service Provider into the User's ICT system
Up-to-date information on the function and purpose of the software or data not being a component of the content of the Service provided electronically, entered into the information and communication system used by the User (Cookies), is contained in the Privacy Policy available on emrawood.com.

7. User Obligations
The User is obliged to use the Internet Shop in a manner consistent with the law and good practice, with respect for personal rights and copyrights and intellectual property of the Service Provider and third parties. The User is obliged to enter data in accordance with the actual state of affairs. The User is obliged not to provide unlawful content. 
8. Technical conditions

1) In order to use the services provided under these Regulations, the User should have:
- a computer, laptop, tablet, mobile phone or other multimedia device with access to the Internet;
- a web browser: Internet Explorer version no older than 9.0 or Mozilla FireFox version no older than 15 or Google Chrome version no older than 12 or Opera version no older than 10 or Safari version no older than 4 or Microsoft Edge version no older than 79;
- Java Script and Cookies enabled
- an active e-mail address.

2) recommended minimum screen resolution: 1024 x 768.

1. These Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on ______ 2021.

2. The Rules and Regulations and sales contracts are governed by Polish law.
3.  A contract of sale is concluded in the Polish language.
4. Any disputes arising under the Terms and Conditions or sales contracts will be resolved by the competent common court. In the case of Entrepreneurs, the common court with jurisdiction over the Seller's registered office will be considered the competent court. The Customer may also use out-of-court ways of dealing with complaints (mediation, arbitration court) and pursuing claims. Notwithstanding the above, a Customer who is a Consumer may seek assistance from a municipal (district) consumer ombudsman. All necessary information in this respect can be obtained from the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at: www.uokik.gov.pl.
5. These Regulations are made available to purchasers free of charge via emrawood.com in a form that allows you to download, record and print them.
6. Pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013, we inform you that a platform for online dispute resolution between consumers and traders at EU level (ODR platform) is available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. The ODR platform is a one-stop-shop website for consumers and traders seeking out-of-court resolution of a dispute concerning contractual obligations arising from an online sales or service contract.

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