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Privacy Policy

Due to the entry into force of regulations related to the processing of personal data - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC - (GDPR), please read the following Privacy Policy.
Any terms capitalized in this Privacy Policy shall be understood in accordance with their definitions as set out in the Terms and Conditions.
I.          Administrator.
The Administrator of the personal data is Patrycja Żmuda, conducting business activity under the name EMRA WOOD Patrycja Żmuda with registered office in Dębica, 16A Cicha Street, 39-200 Dębica, NIP: 8722297309, REGON: 368718560.
Contact details: cellphone: 733 611 014, e-mail: emrawood@emrawood.com.

II.         Personal data.
A. Under the RODO, personal data is information about an identified or identifiable natural person.
B. Within the scope of the activities of our website (emrawood.com), we process data to the following extent.
- Within the scope of the website, we collect data in cookies. The Administrator may also collect the IP addresses of Users.
- We collect email addresses as part of the Newsletter functionality.
- You have the possibility to communicate with us via a dedicated contact form. The contact form comes in two variants:
(1) Job - apply - for those interested in working with us.
(2) Product enquiry - for those interested in a specific product from our range.
In order to ensure adequate feedback contact, we process your name, telephone number and e-mail address in this regard.

- For the processing of your purchases in the online shop, including the complaints process and the "1-click purchase" functionality, we process data such as your name, surname, address data, telephone number and e-mail address. This data is provided to us by filling in the relevant fields in the Order Form and then by sending it to us after confirmation with the "Order and pay" button or from the Customer Account.

- It is also possible to set up your own Customer Account on our website, which makes it easier for you to shop and manage the services we provide. When creating and maintaining an account, we process data such as your name, address and e-mail address.

- We also offer you the possibility to recommend a specific product to a friend within the functionality "Form - Recommend to a friend". Within this functionality, we process the name of the recommender and the e-mail addresses of the recommender and the friend to whom the link to the product sub-page is sent.

As we indicated above, the Administrator may also collect the IP addresses of Users. An IP address is a number assigned to the computer of the person visiting the website by the Internet Service Provider. The IP number allows access to the Internet. In most cases, it is assigned to the computer dynamically, i.e. it changes each time the computer is connected to the Internet. The IP address is used by the Administrator for statistical analysis (e.g. determining from which regions we record the highest number of visits), as information useful for administration and improvement of the website, as well as for security purposes and possible identification of undesired automatic browsing programs which overload the server.

C. Sharing of personal data with us within the website is not a condition stipulated by law and is completely voluntary.
- However, if you do not provide the information contained in your cookies, this will prevent us from compiling statistics on website visits and personalising the content displayed. It will also make it more difficult for you to navigate the website - passwords will not be saved, nor will the website remember the products you have added to your favourites list under the "Clipboard" function. Your previous purchases and products you have added to the shopping cart on previous visits will also not be remembered.
- If you do not provide your e-mail address, you will not be able to use the Newsletter, and failure to provide the data required by the individual forms (first name, surname, telephone number and e-mail address in the case of the "Job - apply" and "Product enquiry" forms; first name and e-mail addresses in the case of the "Refer a friend" form) will prevent us from contacting you back or providing the service within the functionality.
- Also, failure to provide your name and contact details will prevent us from processing the orders you have placed and will also prevent us from registering your Customer Account. Sharing of personal data to us within the scope of the website is not a condition stipulated by law and is entirely voluntary. If you do not provide the information contained in your cookies, it will prevent us from compiling statistics on website visits.
Sharing of data for the relevant functionalities described above (electronically provided services) is therefore entirely voluntary. Failure to provide the aforementioned personal data will, however, make it impossible to fulfil the contract.
The same applies to the data provided to us for the purpose of processing the contract for the purchase of our products (including the complaints process). You provide this data completely voluntarily and failure to provide it will prevent us from carrying out the sales process.

D. On what basis and for what purpose do we process your personal data?
- First of all, we process it for statistical purposes using Google Analytics tools, which also help us to understand how you use our website and to adapt the content offered to you - to your preferences and requirements.
- This also means that the Administrator can personalise the advertising content targeted at you - we can automatically analyse your behaviour, such as adding a particular product to your shopping basket, viewing product pages or the history of your purchases and, on this basis, forecast in a precise manner which services or products will be most satisfactory to you and which meet your individual needs and expectations.
Decisions made on the basis of this so-called profiling do not concern the conclusion or refusal of a sales contract, the possibility of using electronic services on our website, or the conclusion or refusal of any other contract - the final decision on the selection of a product or the use of our offer (suggestion, discount code, promotion) will be at the customer's discretion.
- The statistics allow us to modernise the structure of the website and its content. In addition, the information contained in cookies allows us to recognise the device you are using, so we know how many users return to our site. They also allow us to remember your passwords (if you have selected this option in your browser) and the Goods you have added to your basket on previous visits.
- We use the name, email address, telephone number and address details you provide to process your orders and to register and maintain your customer account on the website (if you provide these details when registering.
- We also use your e-mail address to provide you with marketing and sales information as part of the Newsletter service.
- We also use the data you provide (name, telephone number and e-mail address) to contact you via the contact form.

We process your personal data only on the grounds indicated in the GDPR.  The processing that is carried out as part of your use of our website is based on four of these:
      a. The data subject has given consent to the processing personal data for one or more specified purposes (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).
We offer you the opportunity to receive up-to-date information from us regarding our activities by means of a Newsletter (containing commercial and marketing information regarding our Store's offerings - including advertising and promotions).
As part of our Newsletter functionality, we process your email address. We may therefore use telecommunications terminal equipment or automatic calling systems within the meaning of Article 172 of the Telecommunications Act to provide this service.
We also make it possible to personalise the content we display to best suit your preferences. We may also subject your behaviour on the website to the so-called profiling, as described above, without, however, being able to make an automated decision that produces legal effects (conclusion, amendment or termination of a contract) or that affects the profiled person in a similarly significant manner.
In order to enable you to use the above-mentioned services, however, it is necessary for you to give your consent to the processing of your personal data in the above-mentioned scope.  Please be advised that - in accordance with Article 173(2) of the Telecommunications Law - consent is also deemed to be an appropriate setting of the software you are using, including your internet browser (more in the Cookies Policy below).
Your consent to the processing of your personal data can be withdrawn at any time - either by notifying us of your wish to do so by email or in writing, or by configuring your browser settings accordingly.

      b. If the processing of your personal data is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
The best reception of our content can only occur if we can suit it to your interests. This makes the website more attractive. However, in order to do so, we need to be able to process personal data for the purpose of statistics. This legal basis gives us the opportunity to do so (more in the Cookies Policy).  

      c. The processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract or to take action at your request (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR).
If we are bound by a contract with you, or you request that we enter into a contract with you, the above premise will allow us to process the data that will be necessary to enter into or perform the contract - the data in question being your name, surname, postal address and possibly the telephone number, email address or email address of the person to whom you wish to recommend a product left on the contact form.
The aforementioned applies in particular to the processing of orders placed and to the provision of services for the registration and maintenance of a Customer Account on our website and other Services provided electronically within the meaning of the Terms and Conditions.
We also make use of the aforementioned basis when responding to your comments and requests, whether to our e-mail address or those made by telephone - including within the framework of feedback using the telephone number you have left.

      d. The processing of personal data is necessary for the fulfilment of an obligation incumbent on the Controller (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR).
We make use of this ground if common law imposes an obligation on us to process your data, for example in the field of tax law.

E. To whom do we share your personal data?
The personal data you share will be subject to sharing with entities authorised to receive them by law, entities servicing our IT systems, providing us with legal, auditing, consultancy, accounting, hosting services and carrying out logistical handling of orders placed.

Personal data collected as part of our website may be transferred to the operator of the Google Analytics tool - Google LLC, based in Mountain View, USA.

III. Rights of the data subject

The RODO has redefined your rights regarding the processing of personal data.

Right of access to your personal data.
Upon your request, we will provide you with information on whether we process your personal data. We are also obliged, upon separate request, to provide you with more detailed information regarding: the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients of the data or their categories, the storage period of the personal data or the criteria for determining it, the source of the data acquisition, about the automated processing of the personal data and the consequences of such processing for your person. If we transfer personal data to a third party, we will also inform you of the safeguards.

The right to request a copy of the personal data processed.
Upon your request, we will make a copy of your personal data. This will be made available in a common IT file format. The first copy will be provided free of charge. However, we may charge a fee for each subsequent copy, which we will determine based on the provisions of the GDPR.

Right to rectification and deletion of personal data.
If we find that your personal data is incorrect we will rectify the inaccuracies. We will do this on our own initiative or, if you bring it to our attention, upon request.
If you do not wish to have your personal data processed, we will delete it from our databases. However, despite your request for deletion, we will be able to process some personal data under the terms of the GDPR.

Right to restrict the processing of personal data.
In the cases provided for by the GDPR, we will restrict the processing of your personal data at your request. In the simplest terms, a restriction on the processing of your personal data prevents you from using it beyond storage. In this case, any other actions on the data subject to the processing restriction will only be carried out with your consent.

The right to request the transfer of processed personal data.

Under the terms of the GDPR, you may request the transfer of your personal data stored in a standard machine-readable file format. If your aim is to transfer them to another controller, we will send the file containing your personal data directly to them.

Right to opposition.
In some cases, even if we process your personal data lawfully without your consent, you can request us to stop processing your personal data by lodging an objection.
The objection particularly concerns profiling (not based on your consent) or the use of direct marketing.

The right to complain to the supervisory authority.
Due to the entry into force of GDPR and the adaptation of Polish law to the new reality, the supervisory authority in Poland for respecting your rights with regard to the processing of personal data is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection. If you believe that the law has been violated by our personal data processing activities, you can lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
We would also like to remind you once again that if we process your data on the basis of your consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time (by contacting us by e-mail or in writing) - the withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing performed before its withdrawal.

IV. Period of storage of personal data
The storage period for personal data varies depending on the purpose for which the data are used.

Your personal data are processed:
For the purpose of providing the service - until the termination of the contractual relationship between us in this respect, also after contact back to the telephone number you have provided. In some cases, however, we will process your personal data for up to 6 years after the termination of the service - if this is justified to protect you against claims. However, this period will never exceed the time required for the statute of limitations for claims. In the case of processing based on your consent - also until you withdraw this consent.

Data processed for our legitimate interest will be processed until you raise a legitimate objection.
V. Transfer of data abroad
In connection with the use of the statistical tool Google Analytics, we share statistical data on our website visits with Google LLC, based in Mountain View, California, USA.
The exchange of personal data between the EU and the USA takes place on the basis of the so-called standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, which have been implemented in contracts between the Administrator and Google LLC.
The European Commission has recognised that these clauses provide an adequate level of protection for personal data and that, consequently, the transfer of your data to the USA as part of our services is secure.
Detailed information on Google's use of standard contractual clauses for business services can be found at privacy.google.com/businesses.


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