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Cookie Information


Cookies and analytical tools
Cookies are nothing more than a small piece of text stored in files that your web browser uses and that are stored on your device. Cookies contain unique data identifying your device and statistical data about your activities on our website.
Cookies help to provide the basic functionality of the Internet Shop - they identify Users as logged in, maintain the login session, store dynamic data. They also make it possible to remember the ordered Goods in the shopping cart.
Cookies also make it possible to personalise the content displayed to you, including advertising content according to your interests.
The information contained in cookies also enables us to compile our statistics, providing us with information about the number of visitors to our website.
For statistical purposes, automated data processing takes place as part of the operation of the Google Analytics tool.
The services provided by Google help us analyse the traffic on the Online Shop, generating statistics to help us administer our website. This data is aggregated and anonymous and provides us with knowledge about our ability to attract new visitors and about our customers' behaviour on our website, the devices and browsers used, IP addresses, geographical data, demographic data and interests.
It is possible to easily block Google Analytics from sharing information about activity on our Online Shop website - for this purpose, you can install a free browser add-on provided by Google Inc. available here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=pl.
The data contained in the cookies do not allow direct identification of an individual. They only identify the device on which they are stored.
If you do not want any Cookies to be stored on your device, you can change this in your browser settings. It is also possible to delete any data stored in the form of cookies.

The following table lists the cookies we use.


Cookie used by:

Use of:

OneSignal (_cfduid, cf-notification_prompt, ga, gat, gid, onesignal-notification-prompt)

The files store information about subscription or non-subscription, and allows push messages to be sent to the user's web browser.

SALESmanago (smuuid, smclient)

A file that allows for better customization of products presented in marketing messages and on 50style.pl to individual user preferences

Quarticon (quartic_cookie)

A file that allows you to better customize the products presented in recommendation frames to your individual preferences.

Universal Analytics (_ga)

The file is used to distinguish users.

Universal Analytics (_gid)

The file is used to distinguish users.

Universal Analytics (_gat)

The file is used to control the number of user browser requests to the server.

Google Analytics (__utma)

The file is used to distinguish between users and sessions. The file refreshes every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

Google Analytics (__utmt)

The file is used to control the number of user browser requests to the server.

Google Analytics (__utmb)

The file is used to determine new users and sessions. The file refreshes every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

Google Analytics (__utmc)

The file is used to determine if a user has made a new session/visit. The file is not used in ga.js.

Google Analytics (__utmz)

The file stores information about the source or campaign that brought the user to the site.

Google Analytics (__utmv)

The file stores information about custom user-level variables. The file refreshes every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

Yandex Metrica (_ym_isad)

The file is used to measure and analyze site traffic.

Yandex Metrica (_ym_uid)

The file is used to measure and analyze site traffic.

Yandex Metrica (_ym_visorc)

The file is used to measure and analyze site traffic.

Hotjar (_hjIncludedInSample)

The file collects information about whether a user is included in the sample, which is used to generate sales funnels.

Hotjar (_hjClosedSurveyInvites)

The file collects information about displaying a personalized popup to a user. In order not to show the popup to users to whom it has already been displayed.

Hotjar 9_hjDonePolls)

The file collects information about displaying a personalized survey to a user. In order not to show the survey to users to whom it has already been displayed

Hotjar (_hjMinimizedPolls)

The file collects information about the user's minimization of the survey.

Hotjar (_hjDoneTestersWidgets)

The file collects information about the user's completion of the form. In order not to show the form to users who have already filled it out.

Google Adwords (NID, SID)

Files used, for example, to remember recent searches, previous contacts with advertisers' offers, search results or visits to advertisers' sites.

Google Adwords (id. IDE, DSID, FLC, AID, TAID, exchange_uid)

Files used to display ads throughout the network.

Google Adwords (__gads)

Files to measure ad interactions and prevent the same ads from being displayed too many times to one user.

Google Adwords (Conversion)

Files that allow Google and advertisers to see if a user visited the advertiser's site after clicking on an ad.


Files that allow you to associate your activities on different devices where you log into your Google account.

emrawood.com (CookiePolicy)

Collects information about whether the user has accepted the privacy and cookie policy.


Files are used to verify user accounts, collect information about whether the user is logged in; help secure user accounts; are used to measure the effectiveness of marketing activities and measure site traffic statistics; collect information about user preferences in order to display tailored ads; collect information about display settings; are used to analyze site traffic; share content originating from the 50style.pl site on the Facebook account using the "Like" button

emrawood.com (JSESSIONID, emrawood_com, emrawood_com_ids)

They store information relevant to the use of the site such as session ID, information on login status, shopping cart contents, information that allows autologing.

Media Impact

Plik wykorzystywany przez Media Impact pozwalający na lepsze dopasowanie wyświetlanych produktów do Państwa preferencji, a także statystycznego analizowania skuteczności prowadzonych akcji promocyjnych.


A file used by various advertising networks cooperating with us and allowing us to better match the products displayed to your preferences, as well as statistically analyze the effectiveness of the promotional campaigns carried out


IP address
An IP address is a number assigned to a visitor's computer by an Internet service provider. The IP number allows access to the Internet. In most cases, it is assigned to the computer dynamically, i.e. it changes each time you connect to the Internet. The IP address is used by the Administrator for statistical analysis (e.g. determining from which regions we record the highest number of visits), as information useful for administration and improvement of the website, as well as for security purposes and possible identification of unwanted automatic browsing programs overloading the server.

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Use of this website signifies your agreement to the use of cookies. More information can be found in our Cookies Policy.
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